Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Carpooling Conundrums : )

I believe that the object of carpooling is pretty much to save money. And if you live in big cities, you can use the carpool lane on highways. I have also heard that some people put fake people, aka mannequins, in their cars just so they can use the carpooling lane. Tsk. Tsk.

Today was my first day carpooling with the high school cross country coach, Misty. This summer I would frequent College Hill, this little coffee shop here in Winfield, quite a bit during the week. And about every time I would go, I would run into Misty. We ended up exchanging numbers. Anyway, she was always asking me about carpooling. I would always say sure, that MIGHT be something we look into. : ) I did see advantages to carpooling however these mostly existed for other people.

However, I was really thinking: "I do not want to carpool. I do not want to carpool. I do not want to carpool." lol I even tried to get out of it without straight up saying, "Hey Misty, I do not want to carpool."

ME: "Well you see I get there pretty early. Like around 6:45 at the latest."
 (Which is true..... sometimes even earlier.)

HER: "That's early! But I need to get to school earlier anyhow."

Dang it.

So I really couldn't find a good excuse for after school stuff. Afterall, she coaches and usually gets done by 5:30. Which is good. It means I have to leave at 5:30. To come home and do normal stuff. : )

The main reason I didn't really want to carpool was kind of selfish. Basically, me being selfish with my time. I am not really a morning person. It is kinda my me time; a time when I don't have to deal with people. A plus of getting to school early! I especially love the drive to school in the morning. Good prayer time, music time and there is usually something pretty around me. Especially, if I take the long route to school. So my mornings are going to be tough to give up but I think it will work out for the better.

Back to the whole saving money thing.....yeah I am pretty sure that is not going to happen with this carpooling situation. Drove back to Ark City tonight. haha But I didn't go to school. Just to my Mom's to return a book and then to adoration. That might happen a lot. : )

First day, was pretty good. I have no doubt that there is a reason why God brought Misty into my life and a reason He is not allowing me to talk myself out of this carpooling deal.

.................even though I was happy when she was sick on Monday and that meant I got to drive myself to school one more day. Yes, I realize that makes me a bad person. : )

God bless!

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