Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Roosevelt Roadrunners Are Lucky Ducks!

I am going to brag on my sister, Megan for a second. She just got all graduated up and is getting ready to start her first year teaching the kindergarten kids of good ol' Ark City! She will be a Roosevelt Roadrunner! : )

I love talking to Megan about teacher things because I can see how excited she is about teaching. New teachers are great to talk to for this reason. Plus, she is elementary education, so I love making her teach me how she teaches kids to sound out words on a beat, or how they teach kids to read, or making her tell me bathroom stories or head lice stories. She has some pretty good crazy stories, that just wouldn't happen to a secondary education teacher. : )

Plus, Megan and I kind of tag team Brynley and Cooper a little bit and try to teach them things. You might hear them say, "Geez guys, how many times are you going to make me count to a hundred?" Oh and I love the time we did the alphabet game with Brynley during Christmas dinner and she was doing "Allie Alligator" and knocked over her drink. She was sooo good at it though and it was pretty much amazing me. Just ask her to do "Minnie Mouse". Her little hands, eating a pretend cookie all while making the letter m's so cute!

Anyway, so we have ourselves a little family of teachers now. It's pretty cool. : ) Back to the story......Megan had been getting ready for school. I asked her if I could come see her room. So last Thursday I went to her classroom excited to see what she had done with it. But it wasn't done and I could see that she was slightly overwhelmed. I can still remember how that first year much to do. And it is like where do you start? Heck, I still feel that way. : )

But anyway, I told her I would come in the next day too and we'd set her room up. So that is what we did! In fact, about halfway through we called up my other little sister, Kaitie, and she helped too! We didn't get a ton accomplished but I think what we did get done made Megan feel a lot better. Kaitie and I fixed up her word wall and bulletin board and we made Megan organize. Here are some pictures:

BEFORE:  Yes, she has a fireplace in her room! How great is that?!

DURING: Baby tables and chairs!! Thankfully, she had proper scissors. Yes, I made quite the mess.

AFTER: I made Kaitie and Megan sit in the Fish Mouth!! We named the little fish above: Kaitlyn is the little blue guy, Megan is the long blue guy, I am the green fish, Kami is the clam (or perhaps the pearl), Levi is the seahorse and Ben is the pufferfish. Haha Ben! Oh and I just realized I forgot Hannah!!

One last thing, the whole time we were making this fish thing I had that Little Mermaid, Under the Sea song in my head. I hope she plays that song on the first day!

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