Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Rain!!!!!!! is my favorite kind of day. I actually woke up late--- 9:06 or something like that. I was like, "Why is it dark and why didn't my alarm go off?" Well, I went to adoration in AC last night and had my phone turned to silent. And it's a new phone and I didn't realize even when it's on silent the alarm is also silenced. But then I got some good news!!! I looked out my window to investigate the darkness and it was raining and it was cloudy and it was dreary. Perfect!! So then I was happy that I slept in during the rain. GSD.

But now the rain is distracting me. I have these awesome windows in my room at school and I am watching the rain. It makes me want to go home, curl up on the couch and read a book. Or I just want to go driving in it. Must. Get. Work. Done. : )

More to come on Theotokos, a new group that some ladies in my parish started, later. It's good stuff. It made me want to go climb mountains. : )

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