Sunday, August 7, 2011

Happies o' the CFC

Here’s a text I got tonight:

“Ohhh this makes me smile : ) Crazy what a year can do, eh? : )”

A year ago I was starting my third year teaching agriculture at Ark City. I was beyond excited. I had some amazing students--- and I don’t think I knew then how amazing they were. My head was full of ideas. Honestly, mostly ideas about how to become a better teacher, or ideas to better our FFA chapter. I was getting a new teaching partner and a roommate for a semester! Things were great. Oh funny. Really, though, it is kind of funny. ☺ I had no idea…..

Funny, because I just came from my first ever Catholic Family Conference and outdoor Eucharistic Procession. A year ago I would have been….Eucha-Whata? It’s funny how a small little idea of “I need to go to church.” turned in to me becoming a full member of the Catholic Church this past Easter. Me talking about my “goals” or my “wishlist” with some of my FFAers led me here. Me becoming a Catholic was so not on the radar, because that would have been crazy-talk. I actually remember a conversation with a friend sometime in October that went something like this, “What does it matter? I am not Catholic and I am never gonna be Catholic…..” God must be saying, “Joke’s on you, Kasie.” Lol And then a couple of months later, on Christmas day, I told my Mom (first person I told) that I was converting.

When people ask me “my story” as they like to call it, I can usually give them a few details. But in reality it is sooo many things. In fact, I wrote during that time period and will eventually post those too. But I think the simple answer is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was talking to me but also working through others in my life. Plus, my dang curiosity. Or should I just say thank God for making me so curious. ☺ But that was the Holy Spirit too. Haha Oh and initially I was very curious about contemporary Christian music and was a closet listener for awhile. It's god stuff. : )

But anyway, here is a little condensed version of the text I sent back:

“Haha yes definitely a cool thing going on here. And yes it is crazy!! Mostly crazy b/c I hope that a year from now I can say the same thing ;)”

This past year has been an amazing year of growth for me. I think it has challenged how I view all the relationships in my life. I am becoming a better teacher, sister, daughter, aunt, friend, and sister in Christ. I am more self-aware. So I know I had absolutely no idea how much my life was going to change at this point last year. Which gets me very, very excited for the coming year (you can tell I am a teacher, my year starts in August). I want to continue to cultivate what I have already started and be amazed at my harvest!

So anyways, Happies o’ the Catholic Family Conference:

-    Seeing a lot of people excited about the Catholic Faith
-    Meeting up with Frank and the rest of the Sojourn crew
-    Running into a fellow ag teacher, Jackie and her surprising me with a book from her sister, Laura!
-    Incense- I know they use it at a lot more things than Easter, but that is what I can equate it to at this point. And that makes me happy.
-    Running into Torie and Paul and the rest of the Reilly gang. It was fun to see them all again.
-    Seeing some of my students there
-    Just simply being able to take the time to continue learning….it’s never-ending- which is definitely a perk of the Catholic faith
-    Ohhhh and my first outdoor Eucharistic Procession!! It was….. ☺

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