Lookee Here

Interested in just a specific part of my blog? Here is an easy way to read up on your favorite topic I write about.

Catholic Conundrums:
Funny situations I have gotten myself into as a new Catholic.

CC#1: Confessions
CC#2: The Eucharist
CC#3: Grace Before Meals
CC#4: Advent and the Mysterious Pink Candle

Creative Corner: 
Stained Glass Ideas/Projects, Various Projects

Stained Glass Projects
Baby, You're a Firework 

Teacher Talk: 
Ag teacherly things

Roosevelt Roadrunners Are Lucky Ducks

My First Easter: 
Things I wrote about as I went through RCIA (will be added periodically)

Texting God
Something Beautiful
Hugs From God

The Kitchen Sink: 
Pretty much everything else. Not everything I have written, but my favs. A lot of faith ponderings.

Take Me To Narnia....NOW!
What's In a Dream?
Cooper Moments and Baby Dreams
Caution You Are About to Get In My Head