Saturday, June 25, 2011

Take Me to Narnia.....NOW

Ahhhh what a night! Past week really. So I know that I was planning on blogging a bit about my stint at All Saints last Tuesday but it is just gonna have to wait. I don't know what it is about summertime but I have about a bajillion and two ideas just floating all around in my head.....and tonight's post just happens to be the most pressing.

How often have you wished to be in a different world?

This happens to me a lot when I read books and I read a lot of books in the summer. I also have a vice when it comes to books. I do read perfectly acceptable grownup types of fact I have read a few of those this summer. However, nothing......and I mean nothing......can beat young adult or children fantasy. Yes that is right! I love "little kid" books.

Please take me now to Platform 9 3/4, or for a nice long stroll through The Shire. Or even better still, I want to fly across the oceans on Saphira's back straight into Mossflower woods to a huge feast at Redwall. Then when it is all over, I want to sail to the End of the World and walk with Aslan on the beach. Especially, that last one. : )

So I do have another tidbit of info about that Aslan/beach thing. Until this week I have never read any of the Narnia books and had only seen bits and pieces of the first movie. Of course, I knew enough about the storyline to catch most references to the books and to get the general idea. Ahhhh how deprived I have been!

This post could go on and on and on about so many things. Believe me. But I will try to keep things semi-focused here. Let's start at the beginning. I am an avid believer in books first. That is partially why I had never seen the movies. So I had to read books. And yes I suppose I did read them out of order, but I had to get to the movies. Please forgive. : )

So I sped through the books and loved them. Movie time. I went through a little mini-crisis in locating all the movies- dang stupid redbox had Voyage of the Dawn Treader just TWO days ago. Where did it go?! You see, I was very concerned with the last movie, and very tempted to watch it first, as I had heard it was the best. Plus, I love the things that Aslan says in the last movie/book, hence the walk on the beach. Never fear though, a friend pulled through and all movies were in my possession.

So anyway....another thing I can't believe I am putting out there for the public.....

I am a huge nerd. For real. So much in fact that as I was watching these movies, I would write things down. Like oh my gosh, I totally feel the same way! Write, write, write, write, write. So I suppose I took notes. haha Here I am a 27-year-old-teacher and this little childrens movie is totally speaking to me. And I will just say nothing get's much better than the ending of third movie......but oh Prince made me write a ton!! I just love the whole Lucy thing in that book. So many good things in that book.

And the thing is....drawing the parallels to my life made me feel good. Because sometimes I feel just like Peter when he asks Lucy, "Why do you think I couldn't see Aslan?". Or when Eustace (btw I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Eustace and the dragon thing!!), says "I do not think I am ready for this." How many times do you feel this way? Because I know I do at times.

And most especially here lately, I imagine having that same conversation that Lucy had with Aslan in Prince Caspian about not following him. And me asking, "Jesus, if I would have done this it would have made things better, right?" And then Him saying, "You know Kasie, we never know what would have happened......but it doesn't really matter." And for some reason that is sooooo comforting to me. Oh to have a conversation with Jesus.....well like they do in the book, anyways. It makes me smile for two reasons. I KNOW that I would ask all the wrong questions (kinda like they did).....and I would love to hug him...especially if He were a lion like Aslan.

Lastly, I love what Peter says when he finds out he won't be returning to Narnia, "It's not how I thought it'd be but it's alright." I feel like I fight this battle all. the. freaking. time. I have all these plans and thoughts about the past and the future. Worrisome plans, in fact. So bad, that at times the only way to shut my dang head off is to go to sleep. So thank you, C.S. Lewis, for the creation of Narnia, as it made a lot of things make sense for me. As I am sure it would do for you......even if your 80. Don't be ashamed to read those "little kid" books. : )

Oh and I can't believe I left out Reepicheep. He should be called St. Reepicheep. Love that little guy.....and oops prolly just offended him. : )

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