Friday, July 1, 2011

Caution: You are about to get in my head.... : )

So Part 2, as promised! And only because I couldn't go to freaking sleep. Aw man, it was a good morning!

So after mass and getting all registered......I went to the hike/bike trail. I got out there later than planned about 9:45ish. It was already starting to get hot but it was a great drive to Ark City. Btw I took green's farm road, perfection on the radio and a great destination!

The trail was nice but it went kind of close to the highway and I didn't really like that part. I love the rest of the trails because unless I run into people (which isn't all that often) I feel like I am in my own little world. Great song by the way. : )

However, I have officially gone on every path out at the hike/bike trail....on foot. I need to go and bike it sometime. : )

Nothing too spectacular happen. I didn't run into anything but a red bird....and a crap ton of grasshoppers. Everywhere. If I brought my niece Brynley out here she would flip a lid! I guarantee she'd be crying within the first 5 minutes. : ) But she is cute, so I will keep her. : )

I guess the most significant thing that happened, was the conversation in my head. I know, scary. I was just thinking and pondering. A lot of the thoughts were about daily mass and just a lot of what I wrote about in the last post.

So thoughts/conversation about daily mass:

"Do I want to be a person that goes to daily mass?"

"Well, Self, what kind of question is that?"

"You know, that'd be kind of weird don't you think? I mean some people would think that is weird....."

"But don't you like how going to mass makes you feel?"

"I do. But what if I get so used to going to daily mass that when school starts up again and I can't go to daily mass that I fall into a rut."

"What? That is stupid. You can't think that way. First of all, quit thinking about being labeled weird. Big freaking deal. Secondly, yeah when school starts it might be an adjustment. But you need this. This will help you grow in your faith and in life.

"Okay. I will quit trying to come up with excuses. Because they are like buttholes...."

Just kidding about that last line...... hahaha. But really I was debating about mass in my head.....not a huge issue by any means. But still we all have these discussion with our self. Over big things. Over small things. In fact, we probably listen to the voice inside our heads more than any other voice. Sometimes that can be a problem. But I like to think, even when the voice inside your head is being kind of dumb (green writing) that you pull through (yellow writing). Yes, both thoughts were mine but I could choose to believe either.

TANGENT: I am good at these. So the above-ness, just reminded me of a very good book I read on my flights home from DC a couple of weeks ago. It was actually one of the books I bought in the Worlds-Greatest-Bookstore-Ever at the National Shrine in DC. So pick up The Screwtape Letters if you haven't read it yet. I would let ya borrow my copy but I have already passed it on it's merry way. It's about a devil that writes to his nephew devil with advice on how to bring followers to "Our Father Below". Could definitely relate to the suggestions that form in my head and certain situations in the book. Loved the stuff in Chapter 3 and in Chapter 8.

Okay. So walk is over and I decided to go check out the new pool my Mom and sister, Kaitie got a couple of weeks ago. It is small but it was still fun. I put my phone on it. I
actually haven't used Pandora since school got out....I use it in class all the time....but it was good to me. First song, was Sweat...the reggae one....I know, I know, I know. But I still like it. Then came my all time favorite Rent song, Take Me, or Leave Me. But then later, might I add this was on the "Rent" station, on came "The Call" by Regina Spektor. On Rent Station!! It made me immensely happy because it is just a good, good song and you should just listen to it. In fact, I am now. : )

"Hail Mary Pool"

So anyway, good times in the pool. Mostly just swam to the side and then back again. All the while saying Hail Marys in my head. hahaha Definitely wouldn't have done that a few months ago. : ) I actually think I may have found a good thing to do while working out or exercising, especially since my dang iPod was stolen by a dirty little thief! I hope they enjoy my Jesus music.

Anyway, so an altogether great morning. I showered up, then Kaitie and I went to the Grinder Man for some grub. Then I went to school, got a bunch of work done. Saw that my pineapple
plant had grown a bunch....I'll post pictures later. It was amazing!! Talked to these construction guys at the school. Got asked out by one of them. Politely turned him down. Sorry buddy, just isn't gonna work. lol

I finally came back home and then my creative juices were flowing! Designed a new project to do for my next stained glass project. It was a good day!

Oh and check out this last photo, I was in my Mom's kitchen and I saw this magnet on the fridge. I asked Kaitie where she got it from and she said she didn't know. But it made me happy!

And, no, I don't mean the cat magnet.....

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