Wednesday, February 15, 2012

On Faith and Feelings

Oh no, she's gonna talk about her feelings again.........

Yep. Because yesterday as I went about my day I couldn't help but feel so LOVED all day. I am not sure what it was about yesterday but it was just a really good day.

This great day had me praising God all day. Honestly, that was my thought pretty much all day. God you are so GREAT! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Which made things even better. :) So then I proceeded with more praises. Repeat, repeat, repeat!

In the midst of all this goodness I was very much aware of my tendency to fly really high and sink really low. Which is something I have been trying to work on lately. When I am having a tough day, I need to remember the good days and then go about having my bad day calmly. Remembering that most of what is bothering me at the time really isn't that big of a deal. Then when I am have a wonderful day- to praise God every chance I get.

I got this Regnum Chrisit email last week and it was pretty fitting:

2. Feelings, Nothing More Than Feelings: It is important to remember two principles about our feelings. First, we are not to treat them as if they were the infallible compass of our spiritual lives. Second, their lack of support does not mean that Our Lord is abandoning us. We can easily forget these two principles and blindly follow our feelings, persuasions and seductions. We can wrongly confuse feelings with faith. This believing woman beautifully shows the attitude we must maintain. Her example of humility in the face of Jesus’ seemingly hostile rebuke truly astounds us. No rebellion, no complaints, no resentments, no pity party. She remains determinedly fixed on Christ. She maintains a spirit of humility and faith in him who has the power to deliver her daughter from the devil. Am I capable of persisting in my prayer even when it seems Our Lord is turning a deaf ear?

Conversation with Christ: Lord, let me not confuse faith with feelings. Let me not confuse trust with mere sentiment.  Never let me reduce my relationship with you to feelings, no matter how pleasurable or worthy I think they may be at that moment. Help me to remain humble in my dispositions and firm in my convictions, seeking only to trust, love and please you.

Resolution: When I experience pleasant, worthy or helpful feelings, I will thank and praise God, and I will channel these feelings toward what is more relevant: living out the deeper virtue of faith.


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