Friday, September 9, 2011

Quick Funny

It's Friday!! Getting ready to work on my stained glass project until we have our football tailgate here in a bit. But thought I'd share a couple of fun tidbits. :)

Today during my plan I was listening to my Ipod and had it on shuffle. Awesome song, after awesome song kept coming on my Ipod. I was like, what is the deal? All my favorite songs are playing back to back. Finally I got up to check it out--- it was shuffling my top 25 most played songs. : ) ahhhhhhhhhh

So definitely a little bit of a GSD, good story dude.

But anyway the real reason I wanted to post:

Yesterday morning I received this text as I was getting ready:

Happy feast day of the birth of Mary!

So I was all smiley and such. I had actually kind of forgotten about it. And it made me happy. And this news influenced my decision to take the long way to school that morning. Beautiful drive. : )

Anyway, so then this conversation ensued with my roommate:

"Did you know it was the feast day of the birth of Mary?"

"No I forgot!" "Me too."

"Well, that settles it. Happy birthday Mary,  I am making brownies!"

So we each ate like half a pan of brownies. Hey, it was a small pan. :)

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