Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Post Without A Point....Until the End.

So interesting happenings at my second home here of late. In horticulture and then in one of my welding classes. Let's start with the poets in my welding class.

Random (very odd) conversation as the bell rang, which I believe stemmed from facebook and those picture sayings that people post to their walls:

Boy #1: I like this saying, "The choices you make today, make you who you are tomorrow."

Boy #2: Oh yeah.....

Me: You guys are turning into girls on me.  (Joking....sorta but not really)

Boy #1: Whatever Bogart, it's in the Bible.

Me: That is not in the Bible. I am 100% positive that is not in the Bible.

Boy #2: Yeah it is.....it's in John........like John 6....... or wait......

Boy #1: It's John 3:16. Don't you have a Bible?

Me:  I don't know scripture but I do know John 3:16 and it is NOT John 3:16. That is like one of the most well-known bits of the Bible ever and it does not say that.....

Ahhhh welding boys. You just got to love them I guess. Even when they are being turds. Apparently, they are convinced that I have a Bible in my desk. Which I don't. That's in my car, in the purple bag. :) However, my desk does have two missalettes that Fr. Mike gave from way back when I only knew the "Our Father". Ha.

Then in Horticulture class. We were reviewing some flower parts and dissecting flowers. Plus, for this particular unit I have them watch a short 20 minute "Magic School Bus Goes to Seed" cartoon. Btw, Ms. Frizzle has a fantastic laugh......just youtube it.  Well, the last two class periods a group of my students have pretended to pray at various parts in my lesson. For example, right before the Magic School Bus clip they held hands at their table and bowed their heads and said who knows what.

Hmmmmm. Yes, I laughed. I do that often when I don't want to laugh. Two of them are some of my officers. Which means I think they at least semi know where I stand when it comes to being a Christian. And I don't take my faith lightly.

You know, normally I am all about praying. I do it all the time. I pray in class and school on a day-to-day basis sometimes even hour-by-hour basis. But you never see me create a prayer circle or mock praying. I guess it just kind of gets on my nerves at this point. Only because they are pretend praying. I guess we will see where this goes......

If only this post had a point. :)

But speaking of prayers: If you have some to spare, send them my way. : ) I would appreciate it greatly and after tonight I realize I need them even more.

And finally some good stuff. Like hardcore prayer stuff I like......and struggle with. A part of a prayer to my Momma Mary I both love and am afraid of at the same time:

"May the continuous sight of God fill my memory with His presence; may the burning love of thy heart inflame the lukewarmness of mine."

That is like the best line ever. Yes, please. Awesomeness times a hundred!

Then scary......for me:

"As for my part here below, I wish for no other than that which was thine, to believe sincerely without spiritual pleasures, to suffer joyfully without human consolation, to die continually to myself without respite, and to work zealously and unselfishly for thee until death, as the humblest of thy servants."

Yeah, I am most definitely a work in progress on this Momma Mary. : ) Please have patience.

In Christ, through Mary!

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