Sunday, August 19, 2012

Faith Conversations

I just spent about a hour talking to my brother in law, Ryan about Catholicism. Today I have gotten many jokes sent my way about "crazy Catholics" and about me going to a Catholic wedding and me being Catholic in general. Which is fine. I really don't mind because I think people are just really curious about faith in general. In fact, we are longing for something more than this world, Heaven, and sometimes we don't know that.

After the wedding Ryan made some joke that started our conversation. He was stumbling around for words and then just kind of blurted out, " Why are you..... or I mean what made you convert...or why are you Catholic?" At this point I kind of hate this question. Because I could answer in a few different ways:

1. My students (most true but also most difficult for others to understand)
2. The deaths of my Papa and Grandpa Selenke
3. Catholicism by research

I choose route three tonight because Ryan is a very factual guy. Which is a huge draw to Catholicism for me as well. I told him out of everything I had researched, Catholicism was the most true. Now I really don't want to get in details on any one specific thing because that isn't the point of this post. He agreed with me on the fact that other branches of Christianity all came Catholicism. He agreed that we all started as Catholics. But he didn't believe in all the churches teachings. Not five minutes into the conversation, he goes- "You know when you get involved with someone you won't be abe to use condoms?" Well I guess I better stop being Catholic then......

But really. It was hard to get my point across to him that this minor detail, never really crosses my mind as something to worry about. Of course I know the Churches teachings on condoms and I don't believe in using contraceptives. But then it got into the whole "I-know-this-person-who-is-Catholic-and-they-use-condoms" discussion. And really that was Ryan's big hold-up. He has meet too many lukewarm Catholics. Honestly, I understand his point.


I have no idea how to answer this when he brings it up. Other than that we are humans, and therefore we are stupid. :)

It was a good discussion though. Throughout the discussion it was apparent that Ryan was searching for something more. He said one other thing that I found kind of amusing. Understand that Ryan is very goal-oriented, has a inner drive to be successful and provide for his family. Ryan was also baptized before my sister and he got married about six years ago. Pretty much so they could be married in the Methodist church in Ark City. But anyway he talked about how he has read a lot of books about coaches or successful business people and most of them talk about how their belief in Jesus plays a part in that. He wants to understand that.

Anyway, please pray for my family. It would be the most amazing gift ever to be able to see my family share in my Catholic faith. I know that probably won't happen. But pray that Ryan is open to the Holy Spirit's promptings and that he can be a good leader in his faith for Kami, Brynley, Copper and the new little guy that's on the way.

1 comment:

Jackie Kaye said...

I wanted to make on a comment on your post, in hopes of helping to make an argument for the Church's teaching on Sexuality and came up with my own post instead...