Monday, September 3, 2012

Burn Me Up

First things first. At the moment, I feel a little up in the air. As in, I am not happy. As a teacher I feel as I am being a second rate version of myself. My mind is usually anywhere but school. I miss a few people an awful lot. I miss daily mass. I probably did morning prayer twice in the past week and a half. Last week I was excited for two things: having a solo adoration on Monday and driving to Wichita for daily mass on Friday and then picking up a former student who is attending Friends and is currently carless.

But there is a problem. I am only thinking about me. It like the world should revolve around me and me being all self-consumed. Ahh I hate it. 

I think that God has been trying to communicate this message to me as well. : ) Mostly because it is just popping up everywhere. And usually when something is reoccurring, it is fairly important. Here's what has been going on: 

After mass on Sunday I came home to eat lunch. As I was looking for something to watch on TV I came across First United Methodist on the guide channel..... 

Yes, I watched it. haha Honestly, mostly because I was curious to what a Methodist church service was like. I know, I are probably thinking, "Weren't you Methodist?". Yes, but not really.  After all, it has been a long time since I have been to any kind of church besides the Catholic mass. Two things I got out of it.....I love celebrating mass and the world does not center around me. The pastor actually had a really good message that I'll summarize briefly. 

Sometimes we are in darkness. Sometimes we are in a situation where nothing seems to be okay. Our relationships are suffering, we are dealing with really difficult people, we are unhappy, we feel like nothing is going for us. Remember that God put you there for a reason. God brought you to the people you are around each day for a reason. To be a light for those people. Does a light do the most good in the daylight? No, in fact, it does the most good in the darkness. Be a light for those people around you; even the ones it is most difficult to do this with. The world does not revolve around you. Quit thinking about you and help the people you are around. 

Well played God, well played. Then, I went to the lake to spend time with my family. 

I spent most of the time in the camper. My Nannie and I spent a few hours together just catching up and talking about anything and everything. And in between feeding Cooper PB&J sandwiches and changing the background of Kami's phone to a picture of me, Nannie made a statement to me: "Kasie, you are too independent." 

I love Nannie but she can sure kick me in the butt sometimes.

In addition to all the above. I wore a Lady Bulldog softball shirt that said "We > Me" on the back. For some reason, everybody had something to say about that shirt today. Mostly, it was- "Don't follow that motto, Kasie. Don't get married. Don't have kids. Do whatever YOU want the rest of your life." Geez, people that is horrible advice. 

Plus on a particularly tiresome day last week I turned on my radio to the chorus of this song: 

"Burn me up, Burn me up, Burn me all the way, 
til there's nothing left but You"

To wrap up this long story and make it shorter. I think sometimes we are all in need of a short little prayer. 

"He must increase; I must decrease." 

-John 3:30 

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