Sunday, November 4, 2012

Mary's Heart

Last Monday during my adoration hour I decided to do a reflection/meditation out of this book I have. I was reading scripture in Philippians and then in the 2 chapter of Luke.

The scene in Luke was that of Jesus' birth. Definitely a story that most people, myself included, would say they are very familiar with. However, I got to this line, "And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.", and I just couldn't get past it. How could I have missed this before?! The more I thought of this, the more awestruck I became with Mary. This woman is amazing! 

Keep in mind I had just held my weeks-old nephew in my arms the day before. How could Mary hold the infant Jesus in her arms and know what she knew and not go crazy? Then I began to think- when did Mary know that Jesus would die like he did? 

Later that night I had a discussion with a friend, and we both concluded we thought most likely Mary knew a bit later with prophecy of Simeon. Which on a completely non-related side note, it was cool to get some context about Simeon's prophecy since it's used in Night Prayer. Obviously, I could see that it was from Luke when praying Night Prayer but things usually don't click for me until they do. :) 

However, even if when Mary held Jesus in her arms and didn't really have the slightest clue about the heartbreak she would experience later,  she is still amazingly strong. To have that much faith in God to ponder all things just in your heart, is a little hard for my brain to wrap around. And that line still gets to me.....especially when it is practically repeated later in Luke 2:51. Which is after the prophecy and after she lost and then found Jesus in the temple. Not to mention to just imagine you were Mary and holding that baby in your arms. Jesus was completely dependent on her, just like any other baby that comes into this world. Even more beautiful is that she was completely dependent on Him. Jesus was Mary's whole life; from conception to assumption. 

After all this Mary and baby Jesus meditating I was really excited to hold my baby nephew again. On Friday, we all had the day off from school. I went to mass, visited a bookstore, and headed to see my sister and my favorite little people. Ky was a little fussy at first but within 10 minutes he was out cold. I held my sleeping nephew in my arms for about an hour and a half as he got in his nap. Ky has colic and is usually pretty fussy so Kami was really excited this was occurring and asked me if she could shave her legs and clean the bathrooms. haha Meanwhile, with Ky in my arms, I thought about how at one point Jesus was so small and helpless just like him. I tried to imagine how Mary must have felt......I know this is a bit futile but I still tried. :) And as Ky continued napping on my chest, I prayed a rosary for him. It was perfect. The little guy is just so adorable. 

Oh and one last thing, while at the bookstore that day, I came across a holy card with the 7 Sorrows of Mary. Once again, I had heard of this before, but like I said it doesn't click until it does. After what Mary went through, I know that she can and will help us with our sorrows here on earth. What a strong momma we have!

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