Monday, February 6, 2012

Happys o' the Day

Ah, so today.....just a wee bit frustrating. But hey, let's focus on the good. :)

-Had some awesome sausage at the Knights of Columbus dinner at Sacred Heart tonight. And my meal was free because Emily's Dad paid for me.

-A couple of my middle school kiddos got to serve me coffee and water tonight. They are funny.

-I had a funny conversation on the telephone about begonias with a lady from South Carolina. For some reason Park's Seeds names all their plants after liquor. I am now the proud owner of Vodka Begonias and Gin Begonias. She also pronounced Arkansas City like Arkansaw and I just said, "Yep, that's the place!"

- And this is kinda last night but still really exciting- The antiphon for the Gospel Canticle was as follows: "Master, we have worked all night and have caught nothing; but if you say so, I will lower the nets again." Dang boat dreams. Dang Catholicism TV shows. Dang Antiphons. :)

So even though today was frustrating, I had this to think about all day. Jesus is such a turd. :) But I love Him.

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