Oh man, what a day. I woke up…….kind of confused. Got up and realized it was 7:31. Seven thirty-one!!! I am pretty sure I spouted out more cuss words this morning than I have all month, maybe my whole life. It was not good. Haha
You see on most days, I wake up by 5:45 and leave the house by 6:30 at the latest. Drive to school, get my morning prayers in, and make it to the high school between 6:45 and 7- depending on the route I take. But today I had to drive straight to the middle school, without any of things I usually bring from the high school. I arrived just as the bell rang, looking very, very beautiful and without anything. lol
Middle school was good though. My students were understanding and we still learned a lot about plants! : ) After that, I finally got to shower! Went to my Mom and Kaitie’s to get my shower in so I wouldn’t be so scrubby tonight at P/T Conferences. Then at the high school, let’s just say that my patience was tested all day and I am not sure I passed the test with flying colors. But I did try. J
Currently, I am just writing this at P/T Conferences and waiting on a few parents to show up. All in all, I am just really ready to get to Indianapolis for National FFA Convention! It is sure to be a great trip!
But last night…… I discovered something really cool about the rosary. Now I know what I discovered is REALLY obvious but I was pretty excited when I finally connected the dots. And to tell you the truth that is why I love my faith. I know that no matter how much I think I might know about the Catholic faith, there will ALWAYS be more. I can never stop growing in my relationship with Him. I just can’t get over how cool this fact is!! Ahhhhh!! Anyway….. more on my discovery soon. Oh the suspense.
So this month, October, is the month of the rosary. So we, as Catholics, are encouraged to pray the rosary daily. Which I am totally eating up and…….definitely trying my best to do this month. A friend texted me a couple of Friday’s ago wishing me a Happy Our Lady of the Rosary day and encouraged me to look up the story. So look up the story I did:
“Our Lady of the Rosary
This feast was instituted by Pope St. Pius V in thanksgiving for the great naval victory over the Turks at the battle of Lepanto on this day in the year 1570, a favor due to the recitation of the Rosary. This victory saved Europe from being overrun by the forces of Islam.”
This feast was instituted by Pope St. Pius V in thanksgiving for the great naval victory over the Turks at the battle of Lepanto on this day in the year 1570, a favor due to the recitation of the Rosary. This victory saved Europe from being overrun by the forces of Islam.”
So this text message, and further “Catholic-nerd-digging” led me to this idea: “I wonder what it is like to pray the full rosary?” I knew that the rosary had developed a lot over the centuries and started out as a way to count “Our Fathers”. Then over time it developed into what we say today. In fact, what we say and meditate on today isn’t even usually the full 150 Hail Marys or Our Fathers. We are kind of slackers. : ) We usually ponder just one, of the now four, mysteries of the life of Jesus and call it good.
So I was really happy that this text sent me into google-mode and reintroduced me to some of the rosary history. Mostly because it gave me this great idea to pray all four mysteries in one setting. Which I finally got the opportunity to do last night!
On to my “great” discovery! I had my little rosary book all laid out in front of me, to make sure I didn’t forget any and to make sure I was thinking about the right things. I just went into the order of the book: Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious. I had just finished the last Sorrowful mystery, the crucifixion of Jesus. And had started the first mystery of the Glorious mystery, the resurrection of Jesus. And it clicked! It was all IN ORDER and told the whole story of Jesus’ life. So yes, I technically knew this, but it didn’t really click until I said all of the mysteries all together. Light bulb! I am not sure why this made me so happy but it did and praying the full rosary was well worth it!! Plus, I just feel awesomely ready for my week in Indy now. : )
Oh and I really hope saying a full rosary doesn't cause me to oversleep every day. : ) But it sure was a peaceful sleep!!
Oh and I really hope saying a full rosary doesn't cause me to oversleep every day. : ) But it sure was a peaceful sleep!!